The Birdsong Society Video Series, | 1/2/24 Jerry’s Shenanigans (Strange Signals from Jerry the Wood Pigeon) - Peter Broderick Previous “For the Robin on My Porch” - Andrea Potos, Bette Midler, (Video by Rick Midler and Marlie Décopain) Next Chant for the Swinging Swallows - My Cat Is an Alien (Video by Maurizio & Roberto Opalio)
The Birdsong Society Video Series, | 1/2/24 Jerry’s Shenanigans (Strange Signals from Jerry the Wood Pigeon) - Peter Broderick Previous “For the Robin on My Porch” - Andrea Potos, Bette Midler, (Video by Rick Midler and Marlie Décopain) Next Chant for the Swinging Swallows - My Cat Is an Alien (Video by Maurizio & Roberto Opalio)